
VMware vExpert 2019

Thank you community! I am honored to receive VMware vExert award. And every year it gives me more energy to spend my time to the great VMware community. once again, Thank you VMware community! Check the announcement on: https://blogs.vmware.com/vexpert/2019/03/07/vexpert-2019-award-announcement/

VMware vExpert 2018

Thanks everyone! Another year awarded with the VMware vExpert award Check the announcement on: https://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn/2018/03/vexpert-2018-award-announcement.html

VMware vExpert 2017

Proud! Another year awarded with the VMware vExpert award Check the announcement on: https://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn/2017/02/vexpert-2017-award-announcement.html

Let’s Encrypt

As of today february 16th, my personal website https://hendric.us is using a SSL certificate from the Let’s Encrypt open Certificate Authority. Let’s Encrypt is a great initiative to provide a better and saver internet. Please have a look at there website for more information: https://letsencrypt.org/

VMware vExpert 2016

On februari 5th, VMware announced the new vExpert 2016 awardees. I’m very honoured to receive the VMware vExpert 2016 award. It’s great to be part of a group of VMware professionals who share their knowledge with others. You can read the VMware blog post here: http://blogs.vmware.com/vmtn/2016/02/vexpert-2016-award-announcement.html